Friday, 7 August 2020



A good first crop of figs. I have three fig trees on the plot, all grown from small plants from a home wares shop. The largest is now over 6 feet tall and gives the most fruit, the other two are catching up. Figs are supposed to be grown with restricted roots to encourage fruit but these seem to do well as free range trees. The branches are starting to get crowded and will need a pruning after the crop is done.

Monday, 3 August 2020

Cycling Survey

This is a test run for a survey to assess local cycling demand; feel free to try it out, especially if you live in mid-Wiltshire. This will be pulled out and relaunched elsewhere after testing. 


Update........... the test survey has now been stood down. Thank you if you tried it out, this was a new venture and I'm pleased with how it is working so far.

Sunday, 12 July 2020


Most of the plot is grass. The other bit has a few vegetables: today was a good day for courgettes.


This dragonfly flew past me when cycling by. It waited on a bush while I took a photograph.

Alton Barnes Airfield.

Alton Barnes was a wartime airfield although originally established as a relief landing ground in 1935. The remaining buildings are some gun posts, an air raid shelter and this building which housed the Link Trainer.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Friday, 26 June 2020

Three wheeler

A whitemetal kit from the secondhand bits box at a model railway exhibition. It took a bit of bending and filing to get it to fit together.  It would look good in green, very good in red, but will probably end up blue. Probably a three wheeler Morgan F4.

Thursday, 25 June 2020


The first raspberry crop from the allotment, and the resulting raspberry and elderflower granita.

Monday, 22 June 2020

Alton Barnes & Alton Priors

Two churches a short walk apart in the Vale of Pewsey. Alton Barnes church is Saxon but is still younger than the yew tree in the church yard. They are overlooked by the Alton Barnes White Horse.

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Friday, 29 May 2020

Blue Stilton

Blue Stilton from the market. Gentle, creamy and spreads like butter.

Sunday, 24 May 2020


A picture from last year of Lily on a works train.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Progress with the station.

Progress with the station. Placing the buildings to decide the layout before starting on landscaping.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

13th May 2020

Keeping the grass and weeds under control while cutting out beds to get some crops in for this year. Lost a couple of plants to frost on Monday night but there are spares in the greenhouse.

Spot the ant on the chard.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

Update on the plot.

The plot has been neglected for a variety of reasons, and now the present lock down too. If this could be my designated daily exercise it may be possible to finish the year with the plot looking at least a little tidier. The herbs are doing well, there are some leeks that have continued to grow through the winter and the self sown ruby chard is looking good.